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Plendil is a calcium channel blocker (calcium antagonist), that is used to control hypertension.
Drug Uses

Like other channel blockers, Plendil also aids in the prevention of angina pain (severe chest pain, often accompanied by a feeling of choking, usually caused by lack of oxygen in the heart due to clogged arteries).


Take Plendil exactly as directed by your doctor. It can be taken with or without a meal. Do not crush or chew the tablets.

Missed Dose

You should try and maintain a routine for taking medication so that you do not miss any doses. However, if you do miss a dose, then take it as soon as you remember and then adjust your remaining doses by spacing them out. Never take a double dose or try to catch up.


Protect it from direct exposure to light and store at room temperature.


Some of the typical symptoms of a Plendil overdose include severely low blood pressure and slow heartbeat. Seek medical attention immediately if you suspect an overdose.

More Information

Plendil may cause drowsiness or lightheadedness in you. These effects will get aggravated when taken with alcohol. So do not consume alcohol while taking the drug. Discuss your medical history in detail with your doctor.
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